
Privacy Policy

One Consulting and Associates Limited
Web Site Privacy Policy


The One Consulting and Associates Limited (One Consulting) website is designed to provide visitors with information about the organisation and its business activities. One Consulting is committed to protecting your privacy and complies with the principles of the relevant data protection regulations. This privacy policy explains how and why we collect your personal data and how it is used.

Privacy Statement

Like many other websites, we use cookies and “Google Analytics” to collect information about use of this site.
Google Analytics collects information such as how often users visit this site, what pages they visit when they do so, the IP address assigned to the user on the date they visit this site and what other sites they used prior to coming to this site. This is statistical data about users’ browsing actions and patterns and does not identify any individual.

We use the information we get from Google Analytics solely to improve this site. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to this site is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Use and the Google Privacy Policy.
As part of Google Analytics, we sometimes place small data files on your browsing device, known as cookies. Cookies can also help us measure how people use the website, so we can improve it and make sure it works properly. Although Google Analytics plants a permanent cookie on your web browser to identify you as a unique user the next time you visit this site, the cookie cannot be used by anyone but Google. If you do not wish to share the fact that you visited our site (and any other sites) with Google, you can install the official browser plugin for blocking Google Analytics. If you choose, you can also disable cookies in the preferences settings in your web browser. For more information on Google Analytics, please visit Google Analytics.

Links to websites

The One Consulting website may provide links to third party websites not controlled by them. It is recommended that visitors check the specific privacy statements of any linked sites before providing any information of a personal nature to such sites.


All materials and resources shown on this website are the copyright of One Consulting and Associates Limited.

Personal Data we collect

One Consulting will respect and protect the privacy of visitors to its website. Visitor-specific information of a personal nature is normally not collected. However, the website provides an e-mail address to permit visitor communication. When a visitor communicates with One Consulting via the website, a record of the visitor’s contact details (if provided) will be maintained. Please note this information will be stored and used for one year for the original purpose only. You can request to be removed at any point.

How we use personal data

We will use your e-mail to respond appropriately. This may be to respond to you or to address issues you may identify, or to notify you of our services (if you have chosen to be notified). All visitor-specific information of a personal nature that is collected will be maintained in the records of One Consulting in electronic form. One Consulting will not, under normal circumstances, provide any visitor-specific information of a personal nature to any third party. Visitors may request a modification or deletion of their personal information by email and One Consulting will use reasonable efforts to comply with such requests.
Who we share personal data with and why
Notwithstanding the foregoing, One Consulting will treat any information supplied by visitors to the website as non-proprietary or nonconfidential. One Consulting also assumes that all information is provided with the permission of the actual owner of the information.

Your data and your rights
Personal data shall be processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under this Act. The rights of individuals that it refers to are:
• a right of access to a copy of the information comprised in their personal data;
• a right to object to processing that is likely to cause or is causing damage or distress;
• a right to prevent processing for direct marketing;
• a right to object to decisions being taken by automated means;
• a right in certain circumstances to have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed; and
• a right to claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Act.

How to change your consent

You can alter the consent that you have provided at any time – and withdraw it at any time too by emailing: [email protected].

Contacting us

In the first instance questions regarding any of the information provided on this website or the privacy statement should be sent to [email protected]